Closing Arguments Begin in Mike Madigan Corruption Trial

After more than three months, dozens of witnesses, and hundreds of audio recordings, the fate of former Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan will soon be decided. Closing arguments began this week and dig into the indictment charges on Madigan of racketeering, conspiracy, bribery, extortion and wire fraud.

The case is likely to go to the jury on Monday.

State Representative Ryan Spain has been vocal about the ongoing trial and the need for greater ethics in the Illinois, especially as Illinois Democrats continue to show no willingness to reform state government:

“The people are fed up and frustrated with the way business is done in Illinois. The verdicts that have already been handed down in the previous federal trials linked to Madigan are sending a message to the leaders of Illinois that something has to change. The way of doing business in Illinois through a pattern of corruption can no longer be tolerated. It’s time for the Governor and Illinois Democrats who control state government to hear the message from the people and clean up our state.”

Read more about Mike Madigan’s trial here: Madigan’s ‘Make Mike Money Plan’: Closing Arguments Continue in Landmark Corruption Trial | Chicago News | WTTW.