Whether it’s research and development, production, management or so many other fields, there’s no end to the opportunities to find your ideal manufacturing career.” Read more here
Democrats in the General Assembly continue to rely on Madigan’s playbook even as more corruption charges are filed against their former Speaker. Their refusal to enact meaningful reforms only further erodes…
Democrats’ SAFE-T Act is a dangerous law that needs to be repealed immediately to ensure the safety of Illinois residents. Sign the petition to repeal the SAFE-T Act today at https://www.ilhousegop.org/repeal_safe_t_act
Illinois income and property tax relief checks will begin to go out next month. Here’s who is eligible.
Illinois’ Free Fishing Days start tomorrow, coinciding with Father’s Day weekend. Discover the fun of fishing or introduce your kids to the outdoor adventure of fishing during these free fishing days! Click…
A recent study shows Illinois’ economy is lagging behind the rest of the midwestern states. Illinois can become a leader in economic opportunity but that means we have to implement policies…
The House Energy and Environment Committee is holding a hearing tomorrow on the anticipated energy price increases for Ameren Illinois customers. You can read more here, and follow along live tomorrow…
Sadly, many Illinoisans won’t be surprised by the details that emerge in the corruption investigation against Mike Madigan because it’s been “business as usual” for our state for far too long. Its…
A new lateral entry program aims to make it easier for experienced recruits to join the Illinois State Police. Learn more here.
JB Pritzker promised to fix DCFS when he ran for Governor, since then things have only gotten worse at the troubled agency. When it comes to the health and safety of…