Spain: Spurring Economic Growth Critical to Budget Fix

State Rep. Ryan Spain issued the following statement following Governor Rauner’s Budget Address on Wednesday:  

“I agree with the Governor that spurring economic growth is critical to the budget fix.  Short-sighted tax increases without accompanying reforms will simply push more of our tax base out of state.  We must grow our tax base.  The problem is not difficult to identify, as we’re hearing a united message from job creators throughout Illinois identifying the policies pushing them out of state.  We just need the political will to do what is necessary to fix the problem,” said Spain.  

Spain continued, “we’re seeing some bipartisan cooperation to make economic reforms in the Senate, now we need strong leadership from the majority party in the House if they want to sincerely address our long-term job creation and retention environment.  Until we encourage economic growth, all our other policy priorities are hobbled.  The math simply doesn’t work without economic growth through policies attracting jobs back to Illinois.”