Today, State Representative Ryan Spain announced the beginning of his Winter 2023 photo contest. State Representative will host the contest to bring the 73rd District to Springfield with the launch…
BUDGET Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability (CGFA) reports on State budget receipts for January 2023. CGFA saw a sharp slowdown in Illinois personal income tax receipts in the first…
The Illinois Manufacturers Association, in partnership with Comcast Business, has opened its 4th Annual Makers Madness contest. Makers Madness is an online contest highlighting Illinois manufacturers and the many wonderful…
A new study in the journal of Pediactics urges healthcare providers to be prepared to treat a growing number of children who are accidentally ingesting edible cannabis. It also serves as a…
FIREARMS Lawsuits filed against Illinois’ new gun ban law. Beginning on Friday, January 13, opponents of the new law to ban some commonly used firearms in Illinois have filed lawsuits in State…
Since enactment of the recent sales and manufacturing ban for dozens of commonly used firearms in Illinois, the Illinois State Police has constructed a website to address frequently asked questions…
103rd GENERAL ASSEMBLY Illinois House convenes for inauguration, with House Republicans electing new Leader Tony McCombie. The inauguration of the Illinois House of Representatives for the 103rd General Assembly took place Wednesday…
State Representative Ryan Spain was sworn in to his fourth term in the Illinois House of Representatives on Wednesday during the inauguration of the 103rd General Assembly. “I am honored…
January 1 is among the most celebrated public holidays in the world, often observed with fireworks at the stroke of midnight following New Year’s Eve as the new year starts…